Meet & Agree
This is the first stage of the design process an is the initial consultation between designer and client. We use this time to meet on site (if possible) or in office with you to discuss your project, goals, priorities and all requirements for the space.
Preliminary designs & styling concepts
At this stage from our initial consultation we then gather all the information we have discussed and prepare styles and images that we think will be suitable for your space. We use this time to prepare our space plan and initial design concept to clarify the style and confirm the brief between the designer and client. We also have access to exclusive furniture suppliers and manufacturers who can source distinctive furniture and accessories not found anywhere else.
Development, construction & Installation process
With your approval we finalise all selections, which can include ordering furnishings, materials and products, collaborating with builders, trades suppliers and manufacturers. We work with our colleagues to ensure an efficient, quality and safe installation of all items.
Finalise design, specs and sections
We then welcome any feedback from our clients in regards to our initial concepts and amend any ideas accordingly. We work with you until you are happy with our final concept and proceed to specify source products/ materials.
Final Stage & Execution
The final stage of our design process involves final inspection of your project, to ensure that both parties are happy with the final outcome. we then hands over the completed project and we provide you with a period to notify us of any issues you may discover, we make sure that the space is working at its best.